Browsing Tag:

Respectful Parenting

In Parenting on
August 19, 2020

Supporting Children with Big Emotions

Every day children are learning how to regulate their feelings and emotions. Shoot! Lots of adults are still learning to do this. Our family is coming off of a week up North on a lake with non-existent bedtimes, way too much sugar, and possibly more fun than our five year old can handle. In our house, this is a recipe for very tired children with big emotions. And I’m sure I am not alone in this this summer. I’ve been finding myself checking in with how I can help my daughter cope with all of these emotions while she takes a few days to catch up on sleep. It can be so easy to get caught up in those emotions with her, but I am trying to be purposeful in how I support her and all the feelings, especially the negative ones.

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In Parenting on
May 14, 2017

6 Steps to Respectful Toddler Discipline

Parenting these days can be so challenging. There is so much research, opinions and philosophies out there that it is nearly impossible to choose how you are going to raise your child. However, in the end we all want the same outcome….We want our children to be happy, healthy, respectful, successful, well rounded human beings who grow into successful, independent and well rounded adults. Right?! After talking to many many parents over the years and listening to countless speakers and professionals, I have come to the conclusion that parents of this generation simply aren’t sure how to discipline their children effectively or maybe they are just too afraid to. Here are a few steps that will help guide you to a consistent discipline approach with your child….

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In Parenting on
May 2, 2017

Mommy Inspiration!

Being a mom is an unpredictable roller coaster of events and emotions. It is the most challenging, joyful, exhausting, rewarding, and life-changing job you can possibly have. In one day, we can go from locking ourselves in a bathroom to get a moment to ourselves, to staying up late holding your baby just because you don’t want to put him down.

As a mom, we do the impossible. We get pooped on. We get yogurt speared on our pant legs and don’t even notice. We deal with melt downs in the middle of the grocery store. We make meals, fold laundry, sing the ABCs, pick Cheerios off the floor, and change diapers all day long. We forget to take time for ourselves. We wear leggings every day. We live on 6 hours (or less) of sleep per night…WE ARE SUPERHEROES!

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