Sunday mornings at our house tend to start out slow. And one of our favorite ways to start the day is to make breakfast together, or set up a recipe so Raegan can bake independently while I sit back and relax with a cup of tea. This week we decided to put our ripened bananas to good use!
I am a small town girl who grew up not knowing that there were any alternative types of education. Montessori?! What is that? Like some super religious school for hippies and weirdos? Wrong Sam. Definitely wrong. However, I’m still fairly certain that half of my family and friends think I am one of those hippy weirdos – but hopefully they will find their way to this post!
Anywho…back to the question. What is Montessori?!?! Only weirdos send their children to Montessori school, right? WRONG.
Being a mom is an unpredictable roller coaster of events and emotions. It is the most challenging, joyful, exhausting, rewarding, and life-changing job you can possibly have. In one day, we can go from locking ourselves in a bathroom to get a moment to ourselves, to staying up late holding your baby just because you don’t want to put him down.
As a mom, we do the impossible. We get pooped on. We get yogurt speared on our pant legs and don’t even notice. We deal with melt downs in the middle of the grocery store. We make meals, fold laundry, sing the ABCs, pick Cheerios off the floor, and change diapers all day long. We forget to take time for ourselves. We wear leggings every day. We live on 6 hours (or less) of sleep per night…WE ARE SUPERHEROES!