In Parenting on
May 16, 2017

Importance of Outdoor Play | Discovering a Passion for Nature

In today’s world, it’s so easy to get caught up in technology and high pace life styles, leaving behind the basic beauty of Mother Nature. And this is true for all ages! When was the last time you stopped and listened to the birds? Gathered wild flowers? Admired an unfamiliar insect or plant? Or actually stopped to smell the roses? There is something about good ole’ fresh air that perks the body up and naturally makes you feel more alive and healthy. My fondest memories of childhood come from all the time that we spent outside. My brothers and I made crowns of dandelions, we raced our scooters and bikes up and down our street too many times to even count, we collected lightening bugs on warm summer nights, and we went sledding in our PJ’s on the first snow fall of the season…just to name a few. Now, imagine if our children were deprived of these experiences and how this would be reflected through their education, behavior and overall sense of being.

What type of memories do we want to create for our children?….Do we want them to remember watching movies while their parents play on their phones? Playing on the iPad while their parents make dinner? OR They can play outside! They can let their imagination go wild! They can learn about nature and the world around them!

There is an overwhelming amount of scientific research that proves that outdoor play is extremely beneficial for not only personal health but also for gaining motor skills, scientific learning, language and communication skills, and much more! Through Montessori education, we are able to bring in nature into all aspects of our work. However, there are many public schools and many children that may not have these experiences built into their day. How can WE work to change this?

Why is Outdoor Play important?

  • Motor skills – Motor skill development is often hindered and confined by different popular baby devices (bouncy seats, walkers, jumpers, and swings ) that are made to make parent’s lives easier. Though they may contain and occupy the child while the parents have time to themselves, they hinder the child’s ability to move naturally. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the need to have time to yourself! But my point is, if the child spends too much time in one or more of these devices, it can have some significant effects on their sense of self and ability to develop coordinated motor movements. The best way for children to develop refined motor skills is through natural and free movement. So lay the baby on a movement mat on the floor (or on a blanket in the lawn!), let them kick, roll, babble, and explore the world. When the child starts walking, go for a daily walk around the house and allow the child to experience different terrains and let them learn how to meneuver their own body independently. When the child is given the freedom to move, we are giving them the ability to learn at their own pace and meet their own needs. And once the child has developed refined motor skills, the possibilities are endless. The more they play outside, the more physical activity they are getting which increases strength, balance, flexibility and overall promotes more healthy lifestyle.
  • Scientific learning – Nature promotes exploration and discovery and provides a classroom of never ending knowledge! Think about the endless opportunities for learning….weather, animals, textures, temperature, seasons, agriculture, and the list goes on and on. It’s one thing to learn science from a lecture or a book – you memorize the facts, take a quiz and its done. But it’s completely different when you experience these things first hand. When children are given these experiences of nature, they are given the opportunity to develop a natural love for learning. So keep your eye out for interesting things such as insects or a mud puddle and talk about them, don’t be afraid to get a little dirty and have FUN!
  • Language and communication – Nature and outdoor play not only promotes motor skills and scientific learning, it also helps the development of language and communication skills. If you are able to spend one hour a day outside with your child, think about all the new vocabulary the child is exposed to and the conversations that you can have together. These are experience that could not happen indoors. Often times when children are outside playing there are other children around. This is a perfect opportunity for socialization. So many different things can be learned by spending time with other children – one big thing being communication! Although babies and toddlers are still developing the ability to successfully communicate their needs with others, spending time outside gives them great opportunities to learn how to collaborate with a group and communicate themselves and their needs.
  • Well being – To have a high level of well being means to be happy, healthy, comfortable with your surrounds and be able to engage in more activity. And by feeling comfortable and being able to engage in activities, the child is then able to fulfill their basic needs. If these basic needs are not met, then the child will have no motivation for learning (White, 2013). By allowing the children the freedom to discover and explore the outdoors, we are in turn strengthening their well-being, allowing them to embrace the joy of nature, and providing a atmosphere that encourages healthy learning.

The truth is, you don’t need the fanciest swing set on the block or all the balls and riding toys in the world for your children to have fun outside. There are SO many different things to explore, talk about and discover. Here are a few ideas to inspire you…

Take a nature walk. Go on an adventure!
Collect rocks, sticks, acorns, etc
Plant flowers or a garden
Listen to the birds
Watch for animals and insect
Have an old fashion picnic on a blanket
Blow bubbles
Jump in puddles
Watch for clouds and birds
Talk about the things you see, feel, and hear!!!

So keep your phones in your pocket (because you never know when you might need to snap a cute picture) and head outside with your little ones! Smell the flower, listen to the birds, jump in the mud puddles, watch the squirrels jump from tree to tree and enjoy the beauty of nature!

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  • ปั้มไลค์

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

    July 12, 2020 at 10:37 pm Reply
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