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Montessori in the Home

Supporting Your Child’s Montessori Education at Home

How to support…

Language Development and Communication

  • Help the child to develop communication skills by having conversations. Eat together as a family with no distractions (i.e. smart phones). Turn off the technology in the house; YOU are your child’s most effective learning tool!
  • Read books, talk about your day, and share jokes. In the car you can sing songs and recite poetry or rhymes.
  • Encourage spoken language when you know or feel that your child is capable. Don’t “give in” to pointing or whining.

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In Children, Montessori in the Home, Parenting on
August 6, 2017

When & How to Potty Train Your Infant or Toddler

Culturally, this generation of parents tend to look at potty training, or toilet learning, as an extreme thing that has to be done to their child. When in reality, it is just a normal part of development and not a huge deal. In fact, it will MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER! Just think how nice it will be to not carry around a huge bag with all those diapers and wipes all the time.

Let’s look back on a little bit of history to see how diapering and toilet learning have changed. Disposable diapers were invented in 1948, however, it wasn’t until the 70’s that they became widely used and distributed. Before disposable diapers, families used cloth diapers and most children had complete toilet awareness by 18 months old. So why is it that many children are learning to use the toilet much later nowadays? Well… Read more

The Montessori Approach to Praising and What to Say Instead

Good Job! WOW! You’re such a good boy! You’re so smart! Super Job!

Despite how we may have grown up or what society says we should do, we actually do not have to tell our children how smart they are, what a great job they are doing, and how talented they are. And coincidently, continually praising children can actually cause the exact opposite effects than intended. Yikes!

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What is Montessori Anyways?!

I am a small town girl who grew up not knowing that there were any alternative types of education. Montessori?! What is that? Like some super religious school for hippies and weirdos? Wrong Sam. Definitely wrong. However, I’m still fairly certain that half of my family and friends think I am one of those hippy weirdos – but hopefully they will find their way to this post!

Anywho…back to the question. What is Montessori?!?! Only weirdos send their children to Montessori school, right? WRONG.

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In Montessori in the Home, Parenting on
May 9, 2017

5 Must Read Books for Soon-To-Be and New Parents

We all know that parenting isn’t always rainbows, butterflies and nice long walks on the beach. However, there are a lot of different resources out there to help us through these tough times. BUT, the amount of books and information can get overwhelming. Which book is best? Does one get better reviews than others? Which method do I feel best about going forward with? Anyways – Don’t waste your time reading dozens and dozens of How to Parent books only to find half of them being a complete waste of time. I have put together a condensed list of extremely helpful books that cover a wide range of topics – guaranteed to be worth your time!

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