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Supporting Your Child’s Montessori Education at Home

How to support…

Language Development and Communication

  • Help the child to develop communication skills by having conversations. Eat together as a family with no distractions (i.e. smart phones). Turn off the technology in the house; YOU are your child’s most effective learning tool!
  • Read books, talk about your day, and share jokes. In the car you can sing songs and recite poetry or rhymes.
  • Encourage spoken language when you know or feel that your child is capable. Don’t “give in” to pointing or whining.

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In Children, Parenting on
December 12, 2017

Benefits of Traditional Wooden Toys and a Low Technology Home for Young Children

No matter what lifestyle we choose to live, technology is everywhere. It’s part of our culture. But as parents, it’s up to you to decide how much technology and screen time you want to incorporate into your child’s life. My husband and I often find ourselves having to explain our choice to have a low technology home and only traditional toys made from natural materials. But the benefits for us are more than worth it! First, lets talk about why we have chosen not to use technology or plastic, light up toys with our daughter.

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In Children, Montessori in the Home, Parenting on
August 6, 2017

When & How to Potty Train Your Infant or Toddler

Culturally, this generation of parents tend to look at potty training, or toilet learning, as an extreme thing that has to be done to their child. When in reality, it is just a normal part of development and not a huge deal. In fact, it will MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER! Just think how nice it will be to not carry around a huge bag with all those diapers and wipes all the time.

Let’s look back on a little bit of history to see how diapering and toilet learning have changed. Disposable diapers were invented in 1948, however, it wasn’t until the 70’s that they became widely used and distributed. Before disposable diapers, families used cloth diapers and most children had complete toilet awareness by 18 months old. So why is it that many children are learning to use the toilet much later nowadays? Well… Read more

In Children, Parenting on
May 16, 2017

The Day We Found Out Our Daughter had a Congenital Heart Defect

Our beautiful, Raegan Rose, was born on February 25, 2015 at 6:23 am. She weighed a whopping 9 lbs 7 oz! She was so beautiful and perfect! While Raegan snuggled in and nursed the first 45 minutes after being born, the nurses did all the tests they needed to. They briefly mentioned that her oxygen levels weren’t matching up and that they would try again later. We thought nothing of it, they made it sound like no big deal. However, they were unable to match them up and our pediatrician requested that we take her to a cardiologist just to make sure everything was ok. We still worried very little about it. But we were extremely anxious to get out of the hospital, and we were discharged the next evening at 7:00pm. So Raegan was only 36.5 hours old. But we simply could not wait to get her home.

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